Gaabriel Becket - Staff, Instructor

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Not Back to School Day at Oaks Park, Oregon Home Education Network Resource Fair 2023

user image 2023-09-13
By: Gaabriel Becket
Posted in: Events


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Photos: 7

Rumble Art Studios was invited to have a table at the Oregon Home Education Network's (OHEN) resource fair at Oaks Park in Sellwood.

OHEN hosts a "Not Back To School Day" for homeschooled students and their families, who enjoyed the rides and the park train, and had lunch outside under the oaks and the sunshine. The resource fair provides information and a chance for new and experienced homeschool families to find more options to broaden and enrich their children's educational experience.

We were lucky enough to be assigned a spot next to the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport, who brought an incredible crocheted anemone (among other things), and across from the Rice Rock Museum in Hillsboro, who brought a dinosaur egg and geodes (among other things) two of the very best science field trip destinations in the state! 

The Oregon National Guard came this year to volunteer to help vendors get themselves and their gear to the Dance Pavilion and generally help out, and were stationed at the gate coming in to the park to help people find where they needed or wanted to go. Super nice guys!

We also saw tables manned by Village Home Education Resource Center, the Portland Youth Philharmonic, Echo Theater Company, Alder Commons, and too many more to name. Lots of people came by our table, met wonderful people and had wonderful conversations about art and education, and we made tissue paper blossoms and traded them for doodles. 

This was a very fun event, we're glad we got to go and we hope to be back next year! 
