Let us help you make your next birthday party, baby or bridal shower, or any family or business event, something special: make it an art party.
You provide the guests and any food and drink you want, we provide the space, materials and tools, and an instructor to lead an original art project or self-led open studio with instructor assistance. Past events have included animal and storybook-themed children's parties, relaxing family and friends craft parties, and paint and sip parties. We work with you to create the fun art experience you want your guests to have.
We are conveniently located practically next door to a Baskin-Robbins, where they're happy to hold an ice cream cake or other treat from their store until you're ready for it, and up the road from the legendary Helen Bernhard Bakery.
Private events of up to four participants start at $250.00, up to eight participants at $450.0, and $25 for each additional participant above eight. If special materials are required, there may be an extra charge to cover those. A deposit of fifty percent (50%) is required within two weeks of the scheduled event, and the remainder on the day of the event. Prior to two weeks before the event, any monies paid are refundable if the event is cancelled for any reason. If we cancel for any reason at any time, the entire deposit is refundable. Within two weeks of the event, any monies spent for materials or supplies for the event are not refundable. Within two days of the event, the deposit is not refundable.