Welcome To The Heroes Guild
Heroes Guild is a role playing game group for kids and teens ages 10 to 17, led by professional Games Master Jared Oaks, who founded and ran the D&D Kids League at Guardian Games. Any player is welcome, from beginner to experienced.
You can read more about Jared on his profile page here and ask him any questions about the program. You can also see our interview with Jared here: An Interview With 'Heroes Guild' GM - Jared Oaks
Heroes Guild meets every Thursday afternoon at Rumble Art Studio from 3:30PM to 5:30PM. The fee per session is $25.00 per participant. Players may bring a nut-free snack and drinks.
Registration Form: Open Art Studio (Kids) Rumble Art Studio Minor Enrollment Form 2023.docx, 9KB ∞ Please bring a completed enrollment form, (link above), to your first game, book below and come have some fun!